Do scroll down to my first blog about Seeing Hands to read the introduction. These are the blind students i will be teaching in Pokara.
Back Row (left to right): Samrat, Anita & Chiran
These three have qualified and are enjoying their independence and income.
Front Row: Lalu, Laxmi, Chiran and Govinda
I have a week to go until my trip to Nepal. I had a good chat with Mel Cash (Principal of the London School of Sports Massage - LSSM www.lssm.com ) , Manicon and Joanne a few weeks ago as they have all been volunteers at the school. Looking at the pictures brought this trip to life. The view from the apartment of the snow capped mountains on a clear day is something worth savouring before my daily walk to work. My role is to polish "the rough edges" and work on any weaknesses the students may have.
My preparation for my teaching role in Nepal was an introductory weekend at the LSSM a couple of months ago. It seemed strange joining the tutors table and wearing the blue "i'm a tutor" t-shirt. I even sat at the back of the class with the students until asked to join the tutors at the front. After a couple of hours i was so enjoying watching the students at work, studying their posture at the couch and checking their massage techniques. By the end of the two day course i was quite attached to the students, to being back at "school" and learning from them. It does not matter how many hours are spent in a clinic treating clients, there is always room for revising old techniques and learning new ones. This is exactly how i feel about teaching the students in Nepal. I strongly believe they will be teaching me so much more.
My first day at Seeing Hands is Wednesday 25th February.