Using Temperature makes a Sports Massage Relaxing!

Sports massage is often mistaken for a "sadistic" painful massage that leaves you feeling rotten but in the long-term so much better for it. Others believe you have to be a marathon runner, a GB athlete or at least a regular gym goer to deserve a sports massage. Wrong again. A Sports and Remedial Massage giving it its full title is a deep tissue massage that treats pain or stress in the body. You may have a stressful job, or spend your days lifting a larger than life baby (or small human), perhaps you love being out in your garden at this time of year (Spring in case you were wondering) preparing the beds and getting rid of the weeds, or you are an athlete with a shockingly tiring training programme before the competition season. Whatever you do day-to-day, the chances are you are putting your body under strain - physically, mentally or emotionally. You most certainly qualify for a Sports Massage.

A good therapist will always work within your pain threshold so do not worry about the "pain". There are many of us about so find one that works for you. Everyone works completely differently and there is someone out there that will make you feel "whole" again. I personally focus on relaxation to begin with in order to work deeper with the body. If you are lying there dreading the hands on touch and contracting every single muscle in your entire body, including those facial ones and the jaw is locked rigid, the chances are you will resist every stroke i make and be tense. With the music of your choice, heat from hot stones and the realisation that the treatment you will receive will be exactly what your body needs, the chances are you will have a good treatment and your whole body will respond in a positive way.

My new Sports Massage and Stone combination is proving a godsend. By either lying on the hot stones or massaging with them, tight muscles are deeply relaxed and softened a good deal quicker than by hand which means i can move around the body quicker and provide a whole body treatment for even the tallest and toughest athlete in town! Once the muscles are relaxed i can work so much deeper to treat the "problem areas".

These are just a few conditions helped by the application of the cold stones:
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Chronic tension
  • Acute inflammation
  • Tennis elbow
  • Headaches
  • Varicose veins
Examples of Responses to Heated Stones to specific parts of the body....
  • Brain- calms the mind (useful if you struggle to relax)
  • Heart- helps to lower blood pressure
  • Muscles - softens and relaxes the muscles which allows for more intense massage work for longer
Examples of Responses to Cold Stones to specific parts of the body....
  • Brain - a short application of cold stimulates mental activity
  • Muscles - Increases range of motion (any restrictions in and around joints such as the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle are reduced and stretching becomes easier). You may be able to touch those toes again! It also reduces inflammation.
If you would like to book an appointment, please visit