The article below is written by the founder of Lastone Therapy (massage using hot and cold stones), Mary Nelson. It is well worth reading as i know many people still regard ice cold temperatures as unrelaxing, intrusive and harder to receive compared to the comforting heat we all love.
Cryotherapy comes from the Greek cryo (κρυο) meaning cold, and therapy (θεραπεια) meaning cure
The latest craze is cryotherapy where you stand in an ice cold chamber. The cryotherapy chamber provides a treatment where users enter an extremely cold environment for a short period of time in order to trigger physiological reflexes and defense reactions in the body that, when associated with sport and fitness, help to improve training and injury recovery times. The reported physical benefits include significant reductions in rheumatic, muscle and joint pain and reduced inflammation, as well as improved sleep and higher energy levels. Wider physiological effects can induce beneficial chemical reactions in the blood to speed up recovery after intense exercise.
Lastone has been using the principle of cryotherapy for years. It is not the same method by any means but the principles behind the use are the same. Although atheletes are targeted, it can benefit anyone - those desk based, those with bad backs from physical jobs like gardening or mums carrying children.
If I only had one temperature
by Mary Nelson
That temperature would be cold stones; of course it would and many of you know why.
The basic reason is we use the chilled stones on chronic and acute conditions, congestion and inflammation, which has a lasting and safe effect on the body’s systems. The chilled stones remove heat from the body, allowing the client to relax the area where change is necessary. We use the cold stones for trigger point and cross-fiber friction, in addition to just laying them or tucking them where they are needed, for varicose veins, injuries, inflamed and chronic areas.
As we all have come to learn the chilled stones penetrate far deeper than any other form of ice treatment, not to mention the chilled stones do not hurt like ice does when applied to the tissue. In order for water to change from a liquid to a solid it needs to adjust its matrix, what happens is the hydrogen in the water bonds and forms a rigid lattice, this lattice/matrix is not as giving as when water is in its natural state of liquid, therefore ice therapy is not as pleasant an experience for the receiver due to this rigid lattice structure of the ice.
The basic reason is we use the chilled stones on chronic and acute conditions, congestion and inflammation, which has a lasting and safe effect on the body’s systems. The chilled stones remove heat from the body, allowing the client to relax the area where change is necessary. We use the cold stones for trigger point and cross-fiber friction, in addition to just laying them or tucking them where they are needed, for varicose veins, injuries, inflamed and chronic areas.
As we all have come to learn the chilled stones penetrate far deeper than any other form of ice treatment, not to mention the chilled stones do not hurt like ice does when applied to the tissue. In order for water to change from a liquid to a solid it needs to adjust its matrix, what happens is the hydrogen in the water bonds and forms a rigid lattice, this lattice/matrix is not as giving as when water is in its natural state of liquid, therefore ice therapy is not as pleasant an experience for the receiver due to this rigid lattice structure of the ice.
When you chill stones or heat them for that matter, their matrix does not change, it remains constant. The vibration that the stone emanates is consistent at all times no matter what degree the stone is resting at. Of course you can accelerate the vibration of the stone by using Piezoelectric Effect (tapping two stones together). The fact remains that the stone does not need to adjust its matrix/vibration when it is heated or chilled. The result is the client’s report that the cold stones do not hurt as bad as ice therapy does.
Vessel constriction pushes congestion, blockages and inflammation away from the area; this is short term (First Response) cold application. Most people find this to be painful and they will report that it hurts or they just do not like the cold stones. Of course they don’t, it hurts to push all that blocked/congested blood and inflammation away from the problem area(s). If isolated cold stones are done correctly, with the proper number of stones, slowly enough and with breath your client’s will report that they have a sensation that it feels ‘hot’ or ‘burning’. This will confuse them because they thought you were using cold stones.
Vessel constriction pushes congestion, blockages and inflammation away from the area; this is short term (First Response) cold application. Most people find this to be painful and they will report that it hurts or they just do not like the cold stones. Of course they don’t, it hurts to push all that blocked/congested blood and inflammation away from the problem area(s). If isolated cold stones are done correctly, with the proper number of stones, slowly enough and with breath your client’s will report that they have a sensation that it feels ‘hot’ or ‘burning’. This will confuse them because they thought you were using cold stones.
In order to achieve the results you and the client desire you need to use enough cold stones in an isolated area to generate this reaction or sensation of heat moving through the area. This is then long term (Secondary Response) cold application. When vessel dilatation is occurring, new oxygenated blood is rushing to the area you are attacking with the cold stones; we call this ‘Champaign Blood’ because clients report that it feels tingly.
The application of both short and then long-term cold stones is referred to as active hyperemia.The superficial constriction of the blood vessels (short term), and the vasodilatation of the blood vessels (long term), relieves congestion and blockages in both the internal organs and the muscle fibers. This can create lasting relief for our clients for many days, with the possibility for total alleviation of congestion, trigger points or blocked areas in their body. Cold stone massage is more powerful and safer than hot stone massage; you only need to embrace the full benefits of the first and secondary responses that occur in the body when applying cold stones to isolated areas. Keep in mind that you can generate a“heating response” within the body by way of cold stones—applying cold stones to isolated areas of the body over a longer period of time will generate an active hyperemia response—therefore, you achieved vasodilatation with the application of cold stones.
I feel strongly that you cannot support the body in making the changes that are required in the internal system and tissues without the use of cold stones, for the body to truly begin the healing process the art of cold stone therapy is a must to master. Both first and secondary responses are achieved by way of the cold stones, you cannot do this with hot stones, they only offer warmth and comfort to the body if applied correctly and with the proper safe measures to prevent burning; they will not assist the body in healing tissue. The use of chilled/cold stones supports the body to heal, demanding a chemical reaction within all areas of the body for a healing response to occur. They are safer than hot stones, you cannot cause harm with a cold stone like you can with a hot stone.
On a personal note, I had a student/friend do a full cold stone session on me a couple months back; it was intense, challenging and even overwhelming at times. She did a full massage using only cold stones, my idea of course. I wanted to see what would happen and it was only fair that I was the one experiencing such a treatment, not sure which one of my clients I could have talked into such a journey. Hehehe! At times during the session I was unsure that such a treatment would benefit anyone or even me….even though I have tons of inflamed and chronic areas, I was still not fully convinced during the cold stone session if this was a good idea or not. Afterwards, for days actually I was hooked beyond any previous knowledge of the power of cold stones, nothing I had experienced up till then compared to the results I gained from this full cold stone session. My body was strong, the pain was gone in my joints and muscles, and my energy level was outrageous and fun to experience. I look forward to the next therapist I can talk into giving me a full cold stone session.
The application of both short and then long-term cold stones is referred to as active hyperemia.The superficial constriction of the blood vessels (short term), and the vasodilatation of the blood vessels (long term), relieves congestion and blockages in both the internal organs and the muscle fibers. This can create lasting relief for our clients for many days, with the possibility for total alleviation of congestion, trigger points or blocked areas in their body. Cold stone massage is more powerful and safer than hot stone massage; you only need to embrace the full benefits of the first and secondary responses that occur in the body when applying cold stones to isolated areas. Keep in mind that you can generate a“heating response” within the body by way of cold stones—applying cold stones to isolated areas of the body over a longer period of time will generate an active hyperemia response—therefore, you achieved vasodilatation with the application of cold stones.
I feel strongly that you cannot support the body in making the changes that are required in the internal system and tissues without the use of cold stones, for the body to truly begin the healing process the art of cold stone therapy is a must to master. Both first and secondary responses are achieved by way of the cold stones, you cannot do this with hot stones, they only offer warmth and comfort to the body if applied correctly and with the proper safe measures to prevent burning; they will not assist the body in healing tissue. The use of chilled/cold stones supports the body to heal, demanding a chemical reaction within all areas of the body for a healing response to occur. They are safer than hot stones, you cannot cause harm with a cold stone like you can with a hot stone.
On a personal note, I had a student/friend do a full cold stone session on me a couple months back; it was intense, challenging and even overwhelming at times. She did a full massage using only cold stones, my idea of course. I wanted to see what would happen and it was only fair that I was the one experiencing such a treatment, not sure which one of my clients I could have talked into such a journey. Hehehe! At times during the session I was unsure that such a treatment would benefit anyone or even me….even though I have tons of inflamed and chronic areas, I was still not fully convinced during the cold stone session if this was a good idea or not. Afterwards, for days actually I was hooked beyond any previous knowledge of the power of cold stones, nothing I had experienced up till then compared to the results I gained from this full cold stone session. My body was strong, the pain was gone in my joints and muscles, and my energy level was outrageous and fun to experience. I look forward to the next therapist I can talk into giving me a full cold stone session.
Mary Nelson