Reaching New Heights

This is the third week of teaching the blind students at Seeing Hands in Pokhara. We have been making huge leaps forwards with the practical massage and a few leaps backwards with the theory.

The students have all been massaging volunteers - tourists and nepalis. They are so accustomed to their prepared speech which describes the treatments available (full body and half body massage) and the cost that getting them to simply say "lower body massage or upper body massage" has been a challenge in itself. I am not surprised. Their way of learning the theory is much the same - learning paragraphs off my heart without actually understanding the text.

When i think of the few nepali words i have learnt here - i am so impressed with what they are capable of. Mastering "up" oculo and "down" arculo took me most of a day and even now i am sure Sue (one of Seeing Hands founders) will tell me i am wrong. The reason for needing these two words is quite simple and scary.....

Ever since i arrived in Pokhara i wanted to take a boat ride onto the lake. I have watched the sun setting over the serene water with the back drop of mountains almost daily. The peace is palpable until you walk into a passing cow/dog in the street. On top of a smaller mountain (not the Annapurna range) there is a beautiful Temple that you can see on the days that are clear. It is known as the World Peace Pagoda or "stupa".

I decided to take the students on this boating trip last Saturday - our day off. Chiran's sister-in-law was in charge of one of the boats so we took hers. All the students looked so smart - dressed for a night out on the tiles - with heels, earrings and the boys wearing jackets and proper shoes. 3 hours later to my utter amazement we had not only paddled across the lake but had actually climbed up this steep, uneven path to the Pagoda. The sense of achievement was written on all their faces and the sweat pouring down mine! Crazy, mad, insane are some words that spring to mind. It was not my idea - but i am so fortunate to have shared this day with these gorgeous people. Coming down we laughed so much...Govinder charging as usual with Swasti on his arm - heels flying in every direction. I walked very slowly with Chiran and Laxmi and Chiran;s sister-in-law walked with her sister. On the lake coming back the girls started singing...everyone on the lake turned to watch and listen - such hauntingly beautiful voices floating across the lake. the boys joined in.

I was speechless......

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