The Perks of Exercise during Pregnancy and Post Birth- PART 2

Exercise Pointers during pregnancy:
  • Good fitness levels already, continue with your chosen sport

  • Good diet, properly hydrated

  • Weekly pregnancy pilates or yoga to focus on your "power house" - those deep core muscles and pelvic floor.
Sports to avoid for risks of falls/trauma to the abdomen:
  • Downhill skiing & waterskiiing
  • Hang gliding
  • sky diving
  • Horseback riding
  • Skating
  • Gymnastics
  • Rock climbing
  • Scuba diving
Sports with cautions: Hockey, basketball, soccer, boxing, wrestling, football, martial arts with fighting.

Back Pain & the Physiology behind it?If this is severe enough from carrying the extra weight at the front, it can get in the way of exercising. The spine is both strong and elastic. The spinal vertebrae (bones that make up the spine) are cushioned by discs which soften movement. These discs are squashed during pregancy, so stretching and movement is vital to keep the fluid in the discs fluid (! with me still?)

Solutions to Back Pain during Pregnancy:
1.Movement - specific exercises taught by a professional to strengthen the deep core muscles and prevent the back taking on all the work to support the spine. Unless you already do pilates, then it may come as a revelation to you that muscles at the front of the body (abdominals) have anything to do with those at the back.
The Abdominals : They form a complex corset type network of muscles. The two verticle recti muscles down the front of the abdomen take on much of the load during pregnancy. Specific exercises can greatly help to reduce the muscle separation (up to 3 finger widths). This happens because hormones soften the muscle tissue and it is stretched. Left uncorrected, the back is less supported. The abdominals are often the weakest muscles as barely used when sitting, standing or walking.

2. Massage - shiatsu is a specific type of massage that uses hand pressure and movement. When used in pregnancy it can help prepare the Mother for birth with corrective exercises, postural assessment, and specific massage techniques to relieve back pain, swollen ankles, indigestion, heart burn, headaches and any other complaints related to the changes in the body.
Post Birth

It is wise to wait until your pelvic floor is in optimum condition before jogging or doing aerobics. It takes 6 weeks for the uterus to return to normal size and until then it is an additional weight on your pelvic floor. Also your breasts are heavier and can feel uncomfortable. In the meantime you can be quite aerobicic:
  • mini trampoline work
  • large gym ball exercise
  • swimming or aqua aerobics
Allow yourself time to get your pre-pregnancy body back. It took 9 months to create your child so take 9 months to recover from the transformation in your physique.

The Abdominals: feel fit during pregnancy as they are stretched over the uterus keeping them taut and responsive. After the birth, they stay the same size but are not providing adequate support for the spine and pelvis. They gradually tighten back to their original state alongside the uterus. In order to get them back to their former glory, work starts within the first 24hrs of birth. They can be coaxed back to their shortened state without movement.
Exercise: corrective exercise for the recti muscles, breathing exercises and progressive abdominal exercises.
The Pelvic Floor: Your tissues may be bruised and swollen. Avoid any lifting. Exercise needs to start at once to avoid muscle wasting or atrophy. Nerve connections to injured muscle fibres can be re-established.
Exercise: By squeezing your vaginal muscles, the edge of the incision are pulled together no matter how sore it feels, circulation will be increased and relieves pain from the tear.
Massage: in many eastern cultures, like India or Malaysia, massage begins after the birth and continues weekly for 6 weeks. The health benefits are huge for the Mother. The first 2 weeks post birth is a precious time for Mother/baby to bond but she also needs rest to recover from the birth.

Two weeks after the birth, Vanessa Mansergh offers home visits. The treatment is gentle and focuses on lactation, relaxation and when the baby is a little more lively Mother/baby exercises. It is a flexible treatment and accommodates the mood of both the baby and Mother!
To book a shiatsu for pregnancy or post birth treatment, contact Vanessa on 01491 577480 or visit her web site for more information: