Moena was our base and a beautiful one it was too. It felt like an Austrian ski resort in summer
with flowers everywhere , a huge fast flowing river and chalet like
houses. A chocolate box village. From there we caught buses to the bottom of
the slopes and often ski lifts up to gain some height before heading
upwards. With 6-8 hours of walking a day
I couldn’t resist asking Eric about his stretching routine. His theory was stretching pulled muscles so
no point doing it. That was a short
conversation! I naturally spent ages
stretching out my muscles after the walks.
I failed to cotton on to the fact that as you walk uphill steeply you
are stretching your calf muscles. Warm muscles
give so much more than cold which is why bikgram yoga (hot yoga) is not for
everyone. By day 3 of hamstring
stretches i had pulled a muscle much to Eric’s amusement. Thank goodness for the spa in the basement of
the hotel with a sauna, steam room and cold jets. Heaven for muscle recovery in my books! I warmed up after the bus journey back, and
used the cold jets to stop the blood pooling in my lower legs which leads to
DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness).
That dream combo of hot and cold temperatures which i use in all my
massage treatments.

We had 5 days of walking and a gorgeous rest day bang in the
middle of the week. A perfect
combination. Being such sensible people,
we had a pretty normal day eating amazing food (and lots of it) as the meaty Austrian
type food we were eating in the hotel did not quite hit the spot, having a
stroll to the next town along, visiting the church and enjoying the views. Well...we knew it would take a lot to beat that view, so we tried!