The Fabulous World of Stretching

Stretching is the important link between the sedentary life (desk jobs, driving) and the active life (exercise,walking the dog, cycling to work).
Before machines and the Industrial Revolution, people had to work hard to survive. Their outdoor work: chopping, digging, tilling, planting, hunting and all the other daily activities to put food on the table meant they stayed strong and healthy. Machines have made life alot easier but to the detriment of our health. Without any outlets for tension, our muscles become weak and tight, and we lose touch with our physical bodies.

Fortunately times are changing. We are discovering the joys and benefits of being active - GOOD HEALTH.

  • Keeps the muscles supple

  • Prepares you for movement

  • Helps you to make the transition from inactivity to vigorous exercise without any strain

  • It is incredibly important if you run, cycle, play tennis or any other strenuous sports for flexible muscles,

  • Helps to prevent common injuries - knee problems (runners) and sore shoulders or elbow (tennis players)

  • Encourages athletes to perform to their best ability
  1. Relax and breathe into a stretch - it is a PEACEFUL past time

  2. Aim to reduce your own muscle tension in a relaxing way

  3. NO need to compete with your neighbour in the flexibility stakes (different bodies, different tension levels in the muscles)

  4. Over stretching can cause injury if you are too flexible

  5. The more you stretch the easier it is

  6. Find a time that suits you..brushing your teeth in the morning (calf stretch), waiting for the kettle to boil at work (tricep stretch, neck rolls) or before and after exercise

  7. No bouncing or pain! The tension should disappear as you breathe into the stretch
  1. Warm up first -walk, swing your arms, do some neck rolls to get the blood moving

  2. Observe your breathing..exhale into the stretch and breathe slowly, no need to hold your breath, breathe naturally.

  3. Count for 10-15 seconds to hold the proper tension for long enough. It will become second nature after a while

  4. Do not rush

  5. After exercise, stretching prevents muscle soreness and stiffness